400 Level student of computer engineering in the University of Lagos , who is passionate about every process of website and software development.Am a process-driven person who is self taught and always willing to learn.
Download CVI design the front end category of websites using HTML ,CSS and can use javascript in making it responsive
I can collaborate seamlessly with a team of developers like me ,using my ability of GIT HUB without compromising with the integrity of our work
I have a knowledge of programming in C++ and Python languages for software development.
this was my first potfolio website using HTML and CSS deployed on netlify you can check here. link.
I was a part of project bloomart, a collaborative project built at tiidelab Prefellowship. You can check it out on netlify here Link
The potfolio website was built to capture my Knowledge of Javascript Html and css. You can check Here
Dice dom manipulation game to test my Knowledge of DOM manipulation in Java Script. This project is yet to be deployed on netlify
An highlight of the tiidelab one month prefellowship was the mentorship section on public speaking and presentation.
You can contact me on any of the varios platforms listed below.You will be glad you did so.